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Opens https://lacity.gov/directory in a new window.Following the discovery and disclosure of the Rampart Area Corruption Incident by the Los Angeles Police Department, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) notified the City of Los Angeles that it intended to file a civil suit alleging that the Department was engaging in a pattern or practice of excessive force, false arrests and unreasonable searches and seizures.
When the Department satisfied the Consent Decree requirements, the Consent Decree was officially lifted. Since that time, OCPP has assumed various responsibilities and organization structures which evolved into its current iteration. The Director of the OCPP is the highest-ranking civilian within the Los Angeles Police Department.
The Office of Constitutional Policing and Policy’s priority is to assist LAPD personnel by supporting effective, constitutional policing through policies, procedures, analysis, advice, guidance, and other essential information. To further enhance this portion of the mission, OCPP created the Policy Analysis and Development Unit (PADU), a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Group, Audit Division, Grants Section, and Ombuds Section.
The PADU’s primary mission is to develop policies and procedures, analyze and review upcoming local, state and federal legislation. The Diversity Equity Inclusion Group’s mission is to create, promote, and foster cultural competency in policing; to embrace diversity, equity, and inclusivity by enacting formal, transparent, and progressive policy that safeguards every employee and community members’ rights.
Audit Division was established to conduct Department audits which identifies issues, recommends improvements, and promotes accountability. This will safeguard Department personnel and the City of Los Angeles against lawsuits and claims when they arise and seeks to proactively mitigate risks that cause physical, organizational, or financial harm through the Department Risk Management and Harm Reduction Strategy.
In addition, the OCPP oversees the Grants Section and the Ombuds Section. The Grant Section is responsible for approving grant expenditures, coordinating payment invoices and ensuring timely processing of all grant applications. The Ombuds Section is responsible for the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Program, which provides assistance to Department employees in dealing with internal conflict and disputes.
· Leads the development of LAPD’s policies and procedures;
· Manages the Department’s legal affairs and risk management initiatives;
· Administers internal auditing and compliance programs;
· Communicates with and advises the Chief of Police;
· Provides legal and policy advice to various boards (e.g. Use of Force Review Board) and the Chief of Police concerning the adjudication of Officer Involved Shootings and other Categorical uses of force, Internal Affairs investigations, and other complex personnel matters;
· Serves as the Department Risk Manager;
· Chairs the Risk Management Executive Committee;
· Provides leadership and oversight for subordinate commands;
· Build awareness, solutions, and leadership for racial justice by collaborating and generating transformative ideas, information, and experiences; and,
· Creates, promotes, and foster cultural competency in policing; to safeguards every employee and community members’ rights.
· Ethics Coordinator for the Department;
· Academic Research and Partnerships Coordinator;
· Adjudication of complaints involving high-level command staff or other instances where chain of command conflicts of interest arises;
· Department-wide Gang Enforcement Detail Extension and Financial Disclosure Coordinator;
· Conduct audits and inspection as directed by the Chief of Police and the Board of Police Commissioners;
· Reviewing all new directives and orders to assess risk and auditing/inspecting responsibility; and,
· Prepare periodic reports to the Police Commission, Chief of Police, and the Directors of Offices.