The ESS is responsible for performing essential management, technological support, and maintenance tasks for the Department’s mainframe computer-based systems as well as deployment and learning systems, and interfaces with City, County, Regional, State, and Federal databases.
Legacy Systems Maintenance and Application Support – The ESS maintains oversight responsibilities for numerous mainframe systems including:
• Department Employee Commendations System (DECS);
• Comprehensive Automated Permit System (CAPERS); and
• Network Communications System (NECS).
Non-Mainframe Systems – The ESS is also involved with supporting other critical systems.
These include:
• Learning Management System (LMS) which provides training to Department personnel as well as other agencies, maintains training records for that personnel, and communicates with the State’s Peace Officer Standards of Training.
• Deployment Planning System (DPS) that collects time and attendance data as well as maintaining deployment data to feed to other department automated systems.
• Comprehensive Human Resources Information System (CHRIS).
• Shooting Qualification and Bonus System (SQUAB).
The Unit provides mapping services to the Department using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping technology, which is the City’s mapping standard so that all city departments can share data in the same format. This unit produces standard and customized maps of LAPD data including Bureaus, Areas, Basic Cars, Gang Territories & Injunctions, and City Councils.
The Unit also supports the operation of the 911 Computer Aided Dispatch System. Working with the requirements provided by Motorola, the Unit builds and maintains an enterprise GIS database of street, commonplace, police, city boundary data, and more to facilitate the CAD system’s response to calls for services. This Unit is responsible for running the program, developed in-house, to provide the latest data to users of the 911 database and provides this data, in requested formats, for use in other critical departmental systems.