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E-mail: pccharity@lapd.online
The Charitable Services Section is responsible for regulating and monitoring Charitable activities, Bingo Gaming Enforcement, and investigations related to non-profit organizations throughout the City of Los Angeles. The Section is comprised of civilian investigators and administrative personnel whose main function is to ensure charitable and non-profit organizations comply with Section 44.04, Article 4, of the Los Angeles Municipal Code and the City’s Charitable Solicitation Ordinance No. 185,605, Eff. 7/8/18.
All activity regulated by the Charitable Services Section are examined and analysis reports are acted upon by the Police Permit Review Panel, which is empowered by the Board of Police Commissioners. Angelenos and constituents of the City of Los Angeles are encouraged to contact the Charitable Services Section to report suspicious or illegal activity related to charitable events and/or nonprofit organizations.
Per the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC), an organization must submit a Notice of Intention to Solicit Charitable Contributions (NOI) at least 15 days prior to the start of any charitable solicitation or fundraising campaign in Los Angeles. Upon processing of a completed NOI, an “Information Card” will be issued which will permit charitable solicitations.
For incorporated organizations, the required documents are as follows: (1) Articles of Incorporation and Organizational Bylaws filed with California Secretary of State Office, (2) Registration with the Registry of Charities and Fundraisers through the California Attorney General's Office if applicable, (3) California Franchise Tax Board's letter of income tax exemption, and (4) Internal Revenue Service's letter of income tax exemption.
The Board of Police Commissioners oversees the lawful solicitation of charitable solicitations within the City of Los Angeles. Contact the Commission Investigation Division – Charitable Services Section: by phone (213) 996-1260, or via email: pccharity@lapd.online. You can mail or drop off documents or payment at: Charitable Services Section, 100 West 1st Street, Room 147, Los Angeles CA 90012.
Provided all the necessary information including documents and processing fee are submitted, an Information Card will be issued within 15 days of receipt of the completed NOI. In the event an application is incomplete, missing documents, or requires further investigation, this may result in the delay of issuing said Information Card.
An information card is required for both general appeals for solicitations and for individual solicitation events. The current processing fee per application is $42.00*. See sample list of
events that require an NOI. *Fee subject to change.
There is no fee waiver. The processing fee is required by LAMC Chapter 4, Article 4, Sec 44.04.
Is there a "returned check" fee?
Yes. a $35 fee will be applied for each bounced or returned check. Kindly ensure sufficient funds are available to avoid inconvenience. Make checks payable to: City of Los Angeles. Drop off check(s) or mail to: Charitable Services Section, 100 W 1st Street, Room 147, Los Angeles, CA 90012.
Registering for a raffle is a State of California requirement, go to - https://oag.ca.gov/charities/regs/npr to register for a raffle. A Notice of Intention (NOI) application must be filed with the Charitable Services Section for any charitable solicitation within the City of Los Angeles, including hosting charitable raffles.
Yes. Public soliciting events that include charitable poker must file a Notice of Intention (NOI) application with Charitable Services AND must include proof of registration with the State's Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Bureau of Gambling Control, https://ems.doj.ca.gov/cgHome.action (allow enough time for State approval).
An Information Card is a document required for charitable solicitation in the City of Los Angeles, it contains essential details about the organization, how donations will be used and other related information. The Information Card ensures transparency and accountability in fundraising efforts, aiming to protect both donors and charitable organizations. The Card must be carried or displayed during in-person solicitation and included in written or printed solicitation materials.
In the City of Los Angeles, each solicitor must possess and display upon request a copy of the Information Card to all persons solicited. Mail appeals (solicitations) must contain a replica of the Information Card, or the information contained on the card. The Information Card must be displayed at the site of special (fundraising) events. The Information Card is to assist in protecting both donors and the legitimacy of a charitable organization.
It is only valid in the City of Los Angeles and regions under the jurisdiction of the Los Angeles Police Department.
The Information Card will include the name and phone number of the person listed as the "Person in Charge of Appeal" on the NOI which allows the public or potential donors to contact the organization regarding the charitable appeal or event.
If an Information Card was issued, or a NOI was processed even if the application resulted in Denial of an Information Card, the fee is non-refundable.
No. Charitable Services does not retroactively issue Information Cards for past fundraising efforts. The solicitation of charitable contributions within the City of Los Angeles without a NOI is a violation of section 44.04 of the LAMC. Violation of the code may result in related administrative fines and/or legal actions.
The ROR form must be completed and submitted with the signatures of two officers of the organization, including details about the collection and distribution of funds, and filed with the Charitable Services Section within 30 days after the close of each solicitation period. The completion of the form is a requirement for any organization issued an Information Card.
For endorsement consideration, apply for Endorsement to the Charitable Services Section. Applicants must comply with the provisions of Section 44.15(a)(1) through (9) of the LAMC. See Application for Endorsement in the “Applications and Forms” section of this page, or at: lapdonline.org/police-commission/cid/charitable-services-section.
The Department has the power to endorse charitable organizations that meet specific criteria, including providing direct service programs to the community, having a board of directors, ensuring financial transparency, and complying with relevant laws. Endorsement offers credibility and demonstrates adherence to standards, enhancing opportunities for support and visibility. These organizations are highlighted on the Annual Philanthropy Report, featured on the Give Wisely presentations, expedited processing of NOIs and received an “Endorsed Agency” certificate to post at events.
Violation of the LAMC are deemed administrative violations, these can be found under Article 1.2 (https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/los_angeles/latest/lamc/0-0-0-225704)
(b) For all other Administrative Violations, the Administrative Fine imposed shall be in the following amounts, unless otherwise specified in this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,451, Eff. 4/15/18.)
1. Two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) for a first violation; provided, however, that the amount shall be one hundred dollars ($100) for a first violation of any provision of Chapter V, Article 3, Sections 53.00 and following, of this Code.
2. Five hundred dollars ($500) for a second violation of the same code provision, statute, ordinance, order, condition or requirement; provided, however, that the amount shall be two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) for a second violation of the same provision of Chapter V, Article 3, Sections 53.00 and following, of this Code.
3. One thousand dollars ($1,000) for a third or any subsequent violation of the same code provision, statute, ordinance, order, condition or requirement; provided, however, that the amount shall be five hundred dollars ($500) for a third, and one thousand dollars ($1,000) for a fourth or any subsequent, violation of the same provision of Chapter V, Article 3, Sections 53.00 and following, of this Code.
4. Nothing in this section shall preclude or limit the Administrative Hearing Officer's authority to impose a greater Administrative Fine, not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), in accordance with Subsection (b) of Section 11.2.09.
The Los Angeles Municipal Code, City Charter and Rules and Code on the Los Angeles City can be accessed at: https://lacity.gov/government
Yes, a charitable Bingo License issued by LA Police Commission, Charitable Services is required. Pursuant to LAMC Article 4.5, Bingo, it is unlawful to conduct a public game of bingo in the city without a valid bingo license.
Yes, there is a fifty-dollar ($50) processing fee for the initial bingo license application and the annual renewal thereof. Additionally, each bingo licensee shall pay a monthly fee equal to 0.922% of the total amount paid out in bingo prizes for that month in excess of $2,000.00, (LAMC Article 4.5, Sec 44.55).
An eligible organization may apply to the Los Angeles Police Commission Charitable Services Section for a license to conduct a bingo game(s). The application shall be on forms provided by Charitable Services and shall be filed not less than 60 days before the date on which the game is to be played or the series of games is to commence. A Bingo License application can be downloaded from the “Applications and Forms” section on this page.
Bingo games may be conducted no more than three days per week, with each day not to exceed six continuous hours and no more than one bingo session per day.
Bingo games may only be conducted between the hours of 12:00 noon and 12:00 midnight. No bingo session shall exceed six continuous hours and any one licensee shall permit not more than one bingo session in one day. See "City of Los Angeles Bingo Rules and Regulations", Conduct of Games, Section 7(a).
An officer (listed on file) needs to submit a cover letter requesting desired revision change(s) with an effective date and enclose a revised lease or rental agreement reflecting necessary change(s).
Bingo is considered "gambling" under California law and may result in criminal prosecution by local and State authorities under California Code, Penal Code - PEN § 326.5 (b) It is a misdemeanor for any person to receive or pay a profit, wage, or salary from any bingo game authorized by Section 19 of Article IV of the State Constitution.
(c) A violation of subdivision (b) shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000), which fine is deposited in the general fund of the city, county, or city and county that enacted the ordinance authorizing the bingo game. A violation of any provision of this section, other than subdivision (b), is a misdemeanor.
Bingo equipment and/or supplies must be purchased from suppliers licensed to sell in the City of Los Angeles. See published list or contact the Charitable Services Section for the most recent list of suppliers.
The Police Commission nor Charitable Services remove donor names from mailing lists. Such requests must be submitted directly to the organization mailing the solicitation, or contact:
Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance
3033 Wilson Blvd, Suite 710
Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: (703) 247-9321
Email: info@give.org